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Retrenched or dismissed? You could qualify for UIF Unemployment Benefits

With the recent changes in the economy and with TERS benefits lasting an uncertain amount of time, we realise that retrenchments are sadly a reality.

The UIF’s COVID-19 and lockdown specific benefit, Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS), has helped thousands of employers retain their staff and ensure staff earned some income during the period, however the financial strain that has been placed on employers has led to many having to lay-off their employees.

However, the UIF still offers relief to employees that have been retrenched, dismissed or whose contracts have expired through the unemployment benefits.

1. How does the Unemployment Benefits work?

The UIF will pay up to 238 days to those who have been working and contributing to UIF for 4 years. The UIF rates are determined by a scale of benefits that range between 30-60% of your salary for the first 238 credit days and another flat 20% from 239 days to 365 credit days. Low-income earners receive a higher UIF percentage.

2. Who can apply for the benefits?

Anyone who has been contributing to the Fund and has been retrenched, dismissed or contract has expired can claim. Furthermore, employees who have more than one employer and whose services have been terminated by one employer can still apply. Employees can apply up to 6 months after employment has been terminated.

We are now offering a new service for those wanting to claim for Unemployment Benefits.

Let us at Emma Pardoe Chartered Accountant (SA) assist, apply and advise you on UIF benefits available, if your employment has been terminated recently.

For businesses, it may be a goodwill gesture to assist your retrenched staff with starting these claims, else kindly please pass our details along to those employees so we can assist them directly in their personal capacities.

Should you be interested in our services or have any queries, contact us at